One day, when I login inside to my AdSense account, I was most startled to receive the warning
At This Time, the account of your AdSense was deactivated. Better
check the box entered your email to see the message that possibly was sent by us
about the status of your account. Occasionally this message could be caught by
the email filter, because that confirmed to check the Mass folder/Spam in your
email account.
Hm.. what happened?
After being checked in the boxI, was found by me the letter from the side google adsense, my AdSense account was fraud clicking in some blog.
Setengah percaya, setengah tidak kubaca lagi isi surat dari pihak AdSense itu, weh.. ternyata beneran account adsense ku telah di nonaktifkan!
sedih sekaligus kesal juga, kupikir - pikir, mungkin ada 'fraud clicking'!
Mungkin ada beberapa yang usil atau sekedar menjahili, tapi yang sudah terjadi biarkanlah, mungkin itu membuat ku lebih waspada dan berhati - hati.
READ MORE - AdSense Deactivated!