Happy New Year 2008

Saturday, 29 December 2007

Passing of time from the second, the minute, the hour to the month took us in the following year,last year that be full of liked and the sorrow come on became the trigger ourselves tobetter, let's thought for a moment about the proble's of the past,...
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AdSense Deactivated!

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

One day, when I login inside to my AdSense account, I was most startled to receive the warning At This Time, the account of your AdSense was deactivated. Bettercheck the box entered your email to see the message that possibly was sent by usabout the...
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30 More Excellent Blog Designs

Monday, 10 December 2007

It’s not hard to design a weblog, but it’s getting harder when you try to achieve a unique weblog design. It doesn’t matter what weblog-engine you are using — frequently used themes tend to become boring over time, and they also don’t necessarily reflect...
READ MORE - 30 More Excellent Blog Designs

Japanese Pop Singer - YUI

Saturday, 3 November 2007

This time for my favourite Japanese Pop Singer, Yui.Yui is a Japanese J-pop/J-rock artist, born March 26th, 1987 in Fukuoka, Japan. She is signed to Sony Music Records Japan.YUI began writing poems in ninth grade. At the age of sixteen on the recommendation...
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Jason Mraz - I'm Yours

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Tadi, baru aja gw dunlud laguw I'm Yours yang dibawain ama Jason Mraz.Lagunya Bagus euy! mungkin gw denger versi akustiknya, terus terang aja gw suka banged ama musik² akustik, ampe List Akustik Song gw bejibun. Pengibaratannya `ntuh, Akustik Gw Banged!...
READ MORE - Jason Mraz - I'm Yours


Movie kolosal arahan Mas Gibson yang menceritakan tentang kehidupan suku maya dizaman dahulu kala, pengambilan gambarnya didaerah meksiko sendiri.Neh Pelem sebenarnya udah lama beredar, mungkin gwanya aja yang belakangan ini baru aktip² lagi nonton movies...


Saturday, 8 September 2007

Scribbling for Fun and ProfitWhenever someone tells me they would like to write, my first question is always, What do you read? Writing is not for you unless you have spent a lifetime reading, a lifetime savoring stories. All too often, the answer...

Age of Loneliness (The Cross of Changes Albums) by Enigma

The video contains lots of clips from central New York and daily New York life. Both urban and suburban parts of the town are shown. Most of these clips also have people of different ages, races and gender floating and swimming mid-air. Some of them...
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Amazing Tree

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Amazing Treeclick here for large imageDo u thinking abou...
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Check Your Page Rank on Google Rank

Monday, 27 August 2007

Check Your Page Rank Google RankClick H...
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