The Last Airbender Online Movie Trailer

Saturday, 31 July 2010

British actor Dev Patel appears as antagonist Prince Zuko in The Last Airbender.Zade Rosenthal/Paramount Pictures/Nickelodeon Movies/Reuters. How about a moratorium on the use of the word “avatar” in movies? I wasn’t a big fan of “Avatar” but it’s “Citizen...
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Gameloft Untung 66,6 Juta Euro

Game pasokan Gameloft banyak diunduh di ponsel berbasis Java dan BREW. Siapa sangka industri game sedang terkapar? Faktanya industri mainan digital ini justru mengalami kemajuan pesat. Terlebih ketika industri telekomunikasi mengalami perubahan paradigma,...
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Google Kembali Dapat Izin Operasi di China

Kantor berita resmi China Xinhua melaporkan bahwa Pemerintah China telah mengonfirmasi perbaruan lisensi operasi Google Inc di China. Lisensi ini akan berlaku hingga 2010 dan pemerintah akan meninjaunya setiap tahun. Xinhua menyitir pernyataan dari salah...
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Apple Dituduh Menyensor Novel-novel Erotis

Apple dituding menyensor novel-novel erotis untuk iPad yang beredar di iTunes. Hal tersebut terlihat dari hilangnya sejumlah judul buku yang sebelumnya bertengger di jajaran atas buku terlaris di gerai online Apple tersebut secara bersamaan.Blonde and...
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Funny MARIMAR Video on Youtube

Funny MARIMAR Video on Youtube by Moymoy Pala...
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Digisync Film KeyCode Reader

Digisync film barcode readers are designed to read the machine readable barcode edge numbers on the motion picture film.Readers are available for a wide range of applications, including telecine transfer, negative breakdown, workprint logging, edit list...
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Pembuat BlackBerry Itu Juga Tokoh di Industri Film

Kesuksesan BlackBerry menjadi ikon gaya hidup manusia masa kini, tidak terlepas dari peran Mike Lazaridis. Pria, yang tahun ini berusia 49 tahun, adalah pengusaha sukses yang merintis kariernya dari nol. Berawal dari ketertarikannya pada perkembangan...
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Pasokan Samsung Galaxy S Cuma 10.000 Unit

Jika tertarik dengan smartphone Samsung Galaxy S, buruan saja segera membelinya. Sebab, pasokannya disebut-sebut tinggal sedikit bahkan di AS semua persediaan sudah habis terjual. Tapi, siapkan Rp 6,499 juta untuk bisa mendapatkannya.Indonesia saat ini...
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Keracunan Keong Racun di Youtube

Friday, 30 July 2010

"Apa lucunya sih, video Sinta - Jojo yang Keong Racun itu? Gue udah nonton berkali-kali, kayaknya nggak ada yang lucu dari video itu.""Dewi Lestari menyangka Keong Racun adalah video tentang siput beracun yang menyerang dan membunuh banyak orang."Begitu...
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Thornless Roses

Thursday, 29 July 2010

A Quick Guide to Thornless RosesOne of the reasons some gardeners never grow roses is because they don’t want to have to deal with the thorns, but now that problem is taken care of by the breeding of thornless roses. A lot of people think flowers are...
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"Detective Conan" singer Azumi Uehara suspected of fraud

Singer Azumi Uehara (26), best known for singing two ending themes to the "Meitantei Conan" anime series, is being suspected of fraud. This week's issue of Shukan Bunshun reports that Uehara is involved with a group that swindles men through "lover contracts,"...
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2 Die, 10 hurt in Changsha Bus Blaze

A SHUTTLE bus running between the airport and downtown Changsha, capital of Hunan Province, caught fire yesterday, killing two people and injuring 10, the official Xinhua News Agency said, quoting police.An explosion was suspected of starting the fire,...
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10 Amazing Animal Facts

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

The animal kingdom has long been a mysterious one for humans and every day we learn something new about it. This is a list of ten little known facts about animals.10. Crocodiles Eat Stones The stomach of a crocodile is a rocky place to be, for more than...
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