Diving champ Guo Jingjing in the nude: The dangers of infrared cameras

Saturday 16 October 2010

Guo Jingjing, 郭晶晶Poor Guo Jingjing (郭晶晶). Seems like the Chinese diving queen just can’t catch a break. We thought she had put her controversies behind her but, alas, a few new videos have surfaced with her front and center. And by front and center we mean FRONT AND CENTER. These are not just any videos, these are videos only the likes of Superman and his x-ray vision should be able to record.
Reports from Hong Kong media are stating someone snuck an infrared camera into the Good Luck Beijing competition in 2008 and used it to record the diving competition. We are sure you can guess the result. Let’s just say that while infrared technology isn’t superhero level yet, it’s enough to pierce thin swimsuit material. Guo Jingjing is not alone in her misery though, as fellow diving champion Wu Minxia was cast plus a host of other international divers including Canada’s Kevin Smith, and Russia’s Yulia Pakhalina.

China Hush provides more:
From the shooting angels, the video was most likely not shot from the audience. Even with the zoomed lens the cameraman seemed to be very close to the athletes.
If the cameraman is that close it might make you wonder a) is this somebody who worked at the Games, b) how someone didn’t notice what was going on, and c) shouldn't these things be illegal? If this doesn’t make you think twice about the next time you don your Speedo and head to the pool then we don’t know what will.

Even worse, this is going to open up a whole new can of worms in China voyeurism - one has to wonder who is the next target? Instead of “Kappa Girl” we will have “Infrared Girl”. Or possibly some HK pop star will unknowingly show their world the goods... wait…that's already happened. Only time will tell who is next, but you can bet this pervy Superman isn’t done yet.


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