David Sedaris

Monday, 10 January 2011

David Sedaris
David Sedaris: A Writer's Fairy Tale Life

David Sedaris, playing to a standing room only crowd at New York's fabled Apollo Theater, is not a rock star, but don't tell that to his fans.

He's a writer who still can't quite believe his good fortune, despite nine million book sales that say: "Believe it." (Readmore...)

The fairy tale story of writer David Sedaris’ success

Author David Sedaris is a writer whose success story is one of the most unlikely you could imagine. CBS’ Serena Altschul reports:
David Sedaris, playing to a standing room only crowd at New York’s fabled Apollo Theater, is not a rock star, but don’t tell that to his fans.

He’s a writer who still can’t quite believe his good fortune, despite nine million book sales that say: “Believe it.” (Readmore...)

David Sedaris

David Sedaris
Listen and read
Several books
9 million books sold
many readers wait hours to meet
dropped out of college twice, had a many problems, he cleaned homes
Santa is Here was at Macy’s Dept store as a Santa
NPR Ira Glass had him read on the radio and the rest was history, the rest of the story…

Latest book is collection of stories about pets/ animals who act as humans. chipmunks as people stories (Readmore...)

Courtesy : CBSNews , Daily Caller & Victor Caballero

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